Stakeholder Engagement
From inputs to outputs to outcomes
A research uptake strategy was originally designed that is based on frequent engagements and communication between researchers and relevant stakeholders in Bangladesh. These engagements in turn are prepared and subsequently processed in workshops between researchers and restored flooding experts affiliated with our non-academic Dutch partners. The sequence and relations between both types of events is illustrated in the graph, below.

Due to COVID-19, we had to cancel all anticipated (on-site) stakeholder co-creation workshops envisioned as of March 2020 (4 in total). As a result, also the scheduled expert consultations (3 in total) became pointless, and subsequently, had to be canceled, as well. Rather than relying on the series of on-site workshops, we now have to consult and engage with experts and stakeholders – both in the Netherlands and in Bangladesh – bilaterally and online, (to the extent that this is possible) in a more ad hoc manner.
Inception Workshop (Khulna, 4-6 July, 2015)

Between 4-6 July, 2015, a proposal-development workshop was organized in Khulna, Bangladesh, by Khulna University, Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology (BUET) Utrecht University. Details about the event can be found here.
Stakeholder consultations and field trips (Khulna, 9-13 May, 2018)
Impression from the work workshop and field visit
Stakeholder co-creation workshops (Dhaka & Khulna, 27 October – 4 November, 2019)
Between October 27 and November 4, 2019, a series of stakeholder co-creation events were organized in Dhaka and Khulna. During the events prototypes of our decision support tool (DST) were tested and applied. The objective was to seek stakeholder input to improve (i) the accuracy of our models on the physical implementation of TRM and (ii) decision-making on TRM governance and the handling of conflicting interests. Part of the event was organized in partnership with Deltares’ Dhaka Water Knowledge Days 2019. A detailed program of the whole series of events (i.e. objectives, format, participants) can be found here.
Impressions from the co-creation workshops:
Expert consultation (online, 22 September, 2021)
On September 22, 2021, we held an online expert consultation meeting with about 25 participants from Bangladesh and the Netherlands. Our objective was to present and discuss our ongoing work on the translation of project output (i.e., resulting from our research) into what can be called project outcomes (i.e., the use and uptake of Living Polders’ scientific output by relevant stakeholders). Our aim is to contribute to the support of decision making processes. We invite you to watch the following 7 to 15 minutes long video clips of the presentations and discussions.